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Base commanders make the unpopular but financially sound decision to concentrate
Base commanders make the unpopular but financially sound decision to concentrate their interception and ground-attack efforts in only the richest, most powerful nations of the world.
X-COM: Terror From The Deep - Background

"2039. The last scarred sites of the alien war of 30 years ago are healing and, for all intents and purposes, the threat to the Earth might never have happened. Humans sleep easier in their beds knowing that the evil has gone...
But in the oceans long-silent forces have been aroused by the conflicts. Forces that have from time to time made themselves known to man, but for the most part have remained hidden. Separated from their stellar cousins for millennia, these aliens are now aware of their brethen's former battles culminating in the final conflict on Mars.
Under the ocean lies the remains of a vast interstellar colonization ship; 400 billion tons of metal that plummeted to the Earth some 65 million years ago. Now, the waiting is at an end, the powerful computers begin to stir, the ancient technology readies itself for the coming storm. When the alien base on Mars shuddered in its death throes, a powerful Tachyon beam darted out to a long dormant receptor.
Thirty years ago, awakened by the cosmic emissions of their brothers, the vast chambers of innumerable species began their re-animation cycle. X-COM must now face a new terror, an army of aliens that is already here, but in an environment more deadly than deep space. The aliens of the depths are well prepared to take on man in all the oceans, even bringing the war onto land.
X-COM: Terror From The Deep lets you enter into combat in a strange and alien world, use new technology to enable the war to be taken under the seas, arm your troops for an encounter the likes of which man has only dreamed of in his worst nightmares..."
pulser comes to rest
next to big brained biodrone
fish eat well tonight

Prelude 1947 Army Air Corps personnel from the 509th Bomb Group report the crash of a "flying disk" in the desert near Roswell, New Mexico. Some reports claim that there were two objects and that one actualy housed three alien beings, two dead and one alive. Before the end of the day, Army Air Corps officials retract the story, claiming that the object that crashed was actually a weather balloon. The existence of alien beings is categorically denied. All of the "weather balloon" debris and other physicaL evidence of the 'Roswell Incident' are quickly whisked away to Wright Airfield in Ohio. 1997 Reports of UFO activity increase throughout the world. At first, the sightings are relatively rare. And serious scientists write off the reports as hype surrounding the 50th anniversary of the Roswell incident. However, as reports continue to increase, the Legitimate press joins the tabloids in splashing "We Are Not Alone" headlines across the front page of major metropolitan newspapers all over the world. 1998 Documented cases of human abductions by UFOs become commonplace in areas of sparse population in countries throughout the world. World governments step up their military readiness, and there is a general news blackout in most of the affected countries. Scientists try to make contact with the aliens, but there is no substantial response Many countries begin to contemplate a direct military strike against the aliens. In July, 1998, Japan establishes the Kiryu-Kai, an anti-alien combat force. After five months of operation, using the best equipment available, the group is unable to intercept even a single UFO. Due to lack of funding, Japan is forced to disband the Kiryu-Kai in November of 1998. On December 11, 1998, the United Nations Security Council holds a clandestine summit in Geneva, Switzerland. After much debate, it is unanimously decided that a covert, multinational military-force should be formed to investigate, combat, and (hopefully) defeat the aliens. Assembling the best pilots, soldiers, engineers, and scientists from all the funding nations, the Geneva council establishes X-COM-the Extraterrestrial Combat Unit. The First Alien War (AW-1) 1999 January 1st: The First Alien War Begins X-COM's first secret base is established. Equipped with two state-of-the-art interceptor fighter craft and a Skyranger troop carrier, the base begins scanning local airspace for UFO activity. The base's scanning equipment proves to be extremely effective at detecting alien craft, and the interceptors, though outclassed by larger UFOs, produce immediate results-downing dozens of alien ships in the first few months. As X-COM soldiers explore crashed alien craft and collect examples of alien technology, the labs and workshops staffed with the world's top scientists and engineers, study the alien artifacts and develop methods to effectively re-create alien weapons and equipment. UFO activity continues to increase worldwide. X-COM Funding begins to fluctuate; the organization is funded voluntarily by the establishing countries of the world, but a loophole in the X-COM charter allows contributing nations to raise or lower their funding based on their perception of X-COM's success. Countries out of the original base's scanning range quickly become dissatisfied with X-COM's performance. Fearing the loss of funding, X-COM scrambles to increase the detection range of its original base and starts searching the world for other possible base sites. The aliens become increasing bold. They begin landing in large metropolitan areas and terrorizing the population. The number of abductions decreases as the aliens turn to wholesale slaughter of Earth's population. As more alien incidents take place, it quickly becomes clear that the invasion force consists of not one, but numerous alien species. 2000 X-COM expands with more bases placed strategically around the globe. This pacifies most of the contributing nations, and the organization's funding stabilizes. Even so, X-COM base commanders come up with alternative funding scenarios in case the situation worsens in the future. Tentative deals are made to sell X-COM and alien equipment and weapons to certain underground organizations for a significant profit. As captured alien equipment is researched, it is logged into an online data bank dubbed the "UFOpedia" by X-COM scientists and operatives. This knowledge is quickly put to practical use, as X-COM agents are equipped with more powerful weapons and devices based on alien technology. 2001 Starting early in the year, X-COM patrols begin to discover alien bases in hidden locations throughout the world. X-COM base commanders agree that the best defense is a strong offense. Every time a new alien stronghold is discovered, a strike force is sent to clear and destroy the base. Despite numerous victories, new alien bases continue to appear. X-COM research into the alien culture and technology proceeds as worldwide UFO and alien terrorist activities continue to increase. 2002 X-COM commanders begin to realize that they are fighting a losing battle. While Earth is the nexus of alien activity, the aliens' infrastructure and leadership are obviously not based here. It becomes clear that the key to defeating the aliens is discovering the base from which they are coordinating their invasion. Despite continued success in some geographical areas, X-COM funding is severely reduced as beleaguered nations ratify pacts with the alien forces. Base commanders make the unpopular but financially sound decision to concentrate their interception and ground-attack efforts in only the richest, most powerful nations of the world. This strategy, coupled with increased sales of X-COM and alien technology to "unknown buyers," provides X-COM with enough money to continue for some time. It is recognized, however, that a final solution to the alien problem must be found soon. After a spate of successful interceptions and alien base invasions, X-COM personnel get the break they are waiting for. Interrogation of captured alien leaders shows that the aliens' home base is on Mars, in an area known as Cydonia. Using all the captured technology available, X-COM engineers construct the Avenger-an interplanetary spacecraft capable of transporting troops and heavy equipment to the aliens' Mars base. Manufacturing efforts increase dramatically, as weapons and equipment are produced for use in a final strike against the Martian base. X-COM soldiers invade the alien base at Cydonia. After a fierce battle, the alien "Brain" creature that had apparently been guiding the entire invasion is located and killed. UFO activity declines to zero, and the remaining pockets of alien resistance prove to be disorganized and easy to defeat without the leadership of the "Brain." The war is over. As the last of the aliens at the Cydonia base are being hunted down by the X-COM strike team, an automated distress beacon is activated. A transmission of unknown content is broadcast to Earth. The strike team manages to shut down the beacon within a matter of seconds. After extensive study, scientists conclude that the message was a call for reinforcements from the alien bases on Earth. Since these bases have already been neutralized, the alien message is dismissed and quickly forgotten. Within a period of six months, information about the X-COM operation is released to the general public. Of course, the news comes as no surprise to most of the world, since the presence of X-COM craft and personnel in the world's major metropolitan areas had become commonplace over the previous year and a half. Interlude 2002 After the war, X-COM establishes aquatic bases. These are used as salvage areas for undersea salvage missions to find UFOs downed in the war. The primary goal of the search teams is to locate and obtain as much Elerlum-ll5 as possible. This mineral, the source of power for all alien weapons, ships, and so on, is extremelly rare and is not indigenous to Earth. Over the course of the last several years, X-COM and other scientific and military groups have come to depend heavily on Elerium for new human technology. Unable to replicate the mineral, everyone involved is forced to rely on the rapidly dwindling supplies left over from the war. The governments of the world agree that the remaining Elerium supply should be used for the development of interstellar space travel. It is reasoned that if we could make travel to other planets practical, we might find an unlimited supply of the precious material. 2005 The search for Elerium continues with little success. All of the UFOs that crashed on land have long since been plundered. Explorations of underwater alien wrecks have revealed an alarming property of Elerium-115: it becomes inert with prolonged exposure to sea water. Because there are still countless underwater UFO crash sites left to be explored, the search for viable caches of Elerium continues unabated, but without much hope O{ success. The world's governments become focused on the steady increase in petty violence, overpopulation, and worldwide pollution. These day-to-day problems overshadow thoughts of another alien invasion and X-COM funding is drastically cut. Most of the bases are decommissioned. X-COM soldiers are pensioned off, and scientists return to civilian duty. As Elerium supplies continue to dwindle, all world governments restrict the mineral to military use. Terrorist groups who had managed to stash away some Eterium for their own nefarious purposes realize that they can profit greatly by selling their private supplies back to the government for a high price. The governments of the world eagerly participate in these deals with no questions asked. 2009 A manned mission to Mars is Launched. An X-COM team composed of both scientists and soldiers sweeps the area around the Cydonia base out to a distance of one hundred kilometers in every direction. Afterwards, the Avenger transport craft orbits the planet for on additional 14 hours, running a series of surface scans. Finding no further evidence of alien Life, the Avenger returns to Earth. The world governments tighten the Elerium ban, reserving all remaining Elerium supplies for weapons use only. The last of the X-COM Avenger spacecraft is donated to the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, DC where it replaces Lindbergh's "Spirit of '76" in one of the main display halls of the Air and Space museum. 2010 Earth's supply of Elerium is exhausted. With no viable power source, all research into interstellar travel is abandoned. Instead, all space flight research is focused on developing interplanetary travel within our own solar system in hopes of developing the ability to build off-world colonies to ease the overpopulation of Earth. Meanwhile, several groups of scientists around the world independetly begin work on developing a synthetic substitute for Elerium-115. Even the most optimistic members of the scientific community hold little hope for the project, since funding is nearly nonexistent. 2012 There has been no UFO or alien activity now for nearly nine years. With the world's financial crisis becoming critical, the X-COM organization is officially disbanded. Although it is not dismantled, the X-COM War Room, a sophisticated monitoring centre at the Pentagon used for coordinating worldwide X-COM operations during the war, is placed on automatic. The monitors are now scheduled to be checked only once a week, and even this low-priority task is frequently ignored. F. Denman Williams, wealthy software tycoon and entrepreneur, fearing that the alien crisis is not over, purchases one of X-COM's underwater bases, Ocean Base 1, and retains its military and scientific staff. This base, operating under the corporate name of S.OR.E.S.O. [the Sub-Oceanic Reconnaissance and Extraterrestrial Salvage Operation] continues to catalogue underwater UFO crash sites and search for Elerium deposits among the wrecks. 2013-2038 The world's financial woes continue, as global unemployment rises to an all time high. Deforestation and uncontrolled urban growth continue to destroy the environment at an unprecedented rate. Most cities ban the use of private vehicles entirely in an attempt to improve air quality. Starting in 2015, there is a worldwide political upheaval. The poorer nations of the world become unable to support themselves and their governments fall. In response, powerful nations begin to annex their foundering neighbours, forming huge political conglomerates. For the most, these acquisitions are seen as positive and proceed peacefully. The one dramatic exception to the merging of political powers is the People's Republic of Alaska, which is formed when Alaska secedes from the United States in 2026. By 2027, there are only 16 distinct world governments. The deteriorating conditions on Earth and the governments' apparent inability to turn conditions around revives a sense of spirituality all over the world. In 2027, a radical new religion known as the Cult of Sirius arises. The Cultists believe that humanity might well have destroyed any hope of salvation by repelling the alien occupation during the First Alien War. The Cult launches numerous deep-space probes in the early '30s, each of which carries a message begging their "alien saviors" to return to Earth and use their advanced technology to turn the human race from its path of self-destruction. Shortly after the inception of the Cult of Sirius, a counter-religion is also born. Known as The Inquisitors, this brutal organization opposes all things connected with the aliens. Their members dedicate their lives to seeking out and destroying al alien-based technology and anyone with a connection to the aliens. Because of their diametric opposition to the Cult of Sirius, skirmishes between the two religious organizations are inevitable. The infighting between the groups escalates into an all-out religious war in 2036, which results in the collapse of The Inquisitors. The Cult of Sirius continues preaching their pro-alien rhetoric but becomes much less openly aggressive. 2039 Shipping and civilian travel organizations all over the world become concerned, as surface vessels and aircraft begin to disappear with alarming frequency on the world's oceans. Scientists explain the disappearances as natural-magnetic anomalies, freak storms, and the like. Reports of strange submersible vehicles spotted at the sites of some of the disappearances are dismissed by the government, but not by the general public. Responding to tabloid accounts of a possible new alien invasion, there is a public outcry for the governments of the world to reactivate X-COM as a precautionary measure. Amid promises that "the matter will be taken under advisement," government officials proceed to ignore the public's demands. Activity at S.O.R.E.S.O. Ocean Base 1 is stepped up to an all-time high. Although their main mission is still the exploration of underwater UFO crash sites, occasional missions are launched to investigate new ship and aircraft disappearances. Investigations of nearly two dozen disappearance sites show no signs of alien activity, though the submersibles available to the S.O.R.E.S.O. team generally take several hours to arrive at the site of a distress call. While investigating UFO Crash Site 137, near the wreck of the Titanic in the north Atlantic, the S.O.R.ES.O. submarine Khimtar implodes and sinks under mysterious circumstances. Two months pass before the Khimtar's distress call to the Pentagon's X-COM War Room is discovered-a message ending in the prophetic words "I think they're back." 2040 In a deal with British Hydospace and Sub-Am Corporation, S.O.R.E.S.O. acquires the contract to test the new Barracuda and Triton submersible craft. After an initial high failure rate, the bugs are ironed out, and S.O.R.E.S.O. leases several of the craft. Spurred by growing public concern and the destruction of the Khimter, the governments of the world covertly begin recruiting military personnel for assignment as aquanauts. Citing a little known reserve activation clause, the government takes control of S.O.R.E.S.O. and officially activates Ocean Base 1 as X-COM's new base of operations. Within days of X-COM's reactivation, Ocean Base 1 receives on urgent distress signal from the British passenger liner Hyperion. A Barracuda sub is sent to investigate. On arriving at the site, Jake Burton, the Barracuda pilot, finds only a broken wreck. Within seconds after Burton exits his craft to investigate the wreck, X-COM abruptly loses contact with him. Later investigation of the scene by a second team shows signs that the Hyperion was sunk by some sort of unknown weapon. No sign of Burton or his craft are ever found. The Second Alien War (AW-II) 2041 January 1st: The Second Alien War begins Sightings of alien submersible vehicles increase dramatically as the aliens become more bold. Once again, one of the main goals of the alien forces is to terrorize the population of major metropolitan areas. This time around, the aliens stick to regions near the world's oceans. Although some species, the Aquatoids in particular, are obviouslly related to the last wave of aliens who attacked the planet, many of these creatures are different than anything previouslly encountered. Although interception of the smaller alien subs is a relatively easy matter thanks to the Barracuda intercept sub, early X-COM tactical missions meet with less than successful results. Most of the weapons used in the First Alien War are useless without a supply of Elerium-115 to power them, and weapons based on Earth technology, such as the Laser rifle, prove to have no effect against the new aliens or cannot be adapted for underwater use. Aquanauts are forced to rely on primitive spear and harpoon guns, torpedo launchers, and a small array of explosive devices, until they are able to research the technology used by the new wave of alien invaders. 2042-2045 The Second Alien War ramps up to a fever pitch. More alien species are catalogued. One species in particular, a clawed group of creatures that quickly become known as "Lobster Men," cause aquanauts a great deal of difficulty. Their tough skin is virtually impervious to conventional methods of attack. One of the earliest alien technologies discovered is Zrbite, a mineral analogous to Elerium-115 and used to power most of the aliens' equipment and weapons. Zrbite is found to be extremely unstable, but its use is deemed a necessary risk; it is the only viable power source for replicated alien technology. The influx of equipment and aliens, dead and otherwise, recovered from the battlefield leads to great advances in weapons technology. Primary among these are the ability to replicate sonic weapons and the development of Vibro Blades-rotating titanium blade weapons that prove quite effective against the deadly Lobster Men. Along with weapons technology, x-cam scientists discover new methods of constructing personal armor, which provides aquanauts with the protection they need in extended battles. 2046 After just over five years of constant fighting, X-COM scientists discover the locoation of the aliens' hidden base: T'leth, a huge alien colony ship that lies at the bottom of the Sigsbee Deep in the Gulf of Mexico. Travelling aboard a new Leviathan submarine, the only armed submersible craft capable of withstanding the pressure at these great depths, a squad of aquanauts descends upon the alien stronghold. After a fierce battle, the aquanauts locate the reanimation chamber of the alien controlling force: a huge, tentacled being known only as the "Alien Horror." Luckily, the X-COM force arrives before the reanimation process is complete. In destroying the power nodes of the lead alien's cryogenic coffin, tge aquanauts set off a chain reaction that destroys the alien colony ship just as it is rising above the surface of the water. All the aquanauts aboard are killed, but in dying they ensure the safety of the people of Earth. After the destruction of T'leth, the remaining aliens prove no problem to eradicate. The Second Alien War is officially declared over on January 19, 2046. Recovery 2046 It isn't long before scientists discover that the Second Alien War will have far-reaching and possibly cataclysmic effects on the Earth. As was true after the First Alien War, many of the world's towns and cities have been reduced to ruins. This time, however, it's much worse. In addition to the war damage, the atmosphere of Earth has been poisoned by the release of huge amounts of toxic gases and particles from the explosion of T'leth. Hundreds of thousands of people in the areas immediately surrounding the Gulf of Mexico die within hours of the explosion, and millions worldwide suffer from toxic side effects ranging from minor to severe. All populated areas on the Gulf Coast ore evacuated for o period of six months while cleanup commences. In addition to the toxic side effects, the particle cloud from the T'leth explosion increases the effects of globol warming, adversely affectinq agriculture in many parts of the world. When coupled with the worldwide overpopulation problem that has been steadily worsening since the mid-20th century, the loss of keg agricultural regions such os the grain-producing farms of the Americon Midwest adds widespread starvation to the already multitudinous problems of the world. The hopes that Zrbite might revive the deep space program which was abandoned in 2010 are dashed when scientists discover that all the Zrbite supplies of the world have become inert. It is theorized that the aliens' moleculor control network was the key to releasing the power of the mineral. When the destruction of T'leth caused the moleculor control network to fail, all the Zrbite was rendered useless. X-COM continues to step up its own technological research, exploring all remaining areas of alien technology. After initial success, the scope of the operations is diminished as many X-COM scientists leave the organization for the higher salaries offered by private corporations, X-COM funding is reduced as the Earth's governments focus their attention on terrestrial concerns. 2047 The main funding bodies for X-COM meet to decide the fate of the organization now that the war is over. Governments and corporations recognize a need to protect the planet and, of course, their own individual financial interests from any further alien attacks, but none ore willing to give more than a minimal funding contribution. In late March, F. Denman Williams once again agrees to finance X-COM operations out of his own pocket. X-COM adopts a business strategy, and the X-COM Corporation is formed. Once again, Williams includes a reactivation clause in the corporate charter that allows the government to take over full control of the operation should a state of worldwide emergency be declared. Engineers employed by the X-COM Corporation use their experience with alien technology to produce advanced weapons that the corporation sells to the highest bidder. Meanwhile, experienced X-COM soldiers are frequently hired by other corporations and by government agencies as mercenaries. These activities ensure a constant cash flow, and the corporation is immediatelly successful. Ecological collapse and overpopulation come ta a head. Many world governments are consolidated under single regimes in order to more effectively share resources. The first and largest of the so-called "merger governments' is the North American Alliance. Formed in late 2051 through the merger of the United States, Canada, the People's Republic of Alaska, and the New Mexico Cooperative, the NAA is instantly recognized as a formidable world power. Taking what is considered the best of art of the represented forms of government, the NAA establishes a new ruling body headed by an official known as the "Premier-President." Rlexandra Scott is elected as the First Premier- President and she serves three consecutive two-year terms. In mid-2052, the X-COM Corporation grants full access to their UFOpedia data bank to the Transtellar Corporation for research purposes. Transtellar's goal is to develop a practical means of interplanetary space flight that is not at all dependent on alien technology. With ecologists predicting that Earth's resources will be completely exhausted within the next two decades, the people of the world look to Transtellar's efforts as, possibly, the last hope for mankind's survival. Many of the world's Largest corporations begin the research and design phase for huge interplanetary colony ships, betting everything they have that Transtellar will succeed. On New Years Day, 2054, the Transtellar Corporation unveils the prototype for the Mark I Conversion Drive, an ion propulsion system that generates power through helium-carbon fusion. The key to the success of the design was the use of a reaction containment chamber with a shell composed primarily of inert Zrbite. Transtellar is immediately showered with funding and given exclusive rights to operate all Earth-based space ports until the end of the century. The Mark I Conversion Drive is mass-produced in large quantities as the major corporations of the world ready their first generation of colony ships for launch. By the end of the year, there are several colonies on the moon. 2055 The first freighters from the lunar mining colonies begin to arrive on Earth. Deep-core mines on the moon quickly become a much-needed supplement for raw materials used on Earth, but it's still not enough. In June, the Solmine Corporation begins construction of a major space port and shipyard facility at Tranquility Colony. By November, the first three ships of the Tranquility Fleet-mining ships manned by Solmine's best engineers-begin their Long journey in search of mining prospects in the asteroid belt beyond the orbit of Mars. Leasing space in SoLmine's Tranquility Shipyards, Transtellar begins construction of the first in a series of military transport vessels. With all the state-of-the-art armament and equipment available, the Patton-cLass military transport will go on to serve in both military and civilian roles for the next two decades. 2056-2059 The X-COM Corporation's profits soar as governments all over the world negotiate exclusive contracts for weapons, equipment, and protection. For the first time in X-COM history, an off-world base is established at the Luna 3 colony on the moon. A small force of X-COM mercenaries is maintained on-site at the Luna 3 base to act as securitg for the existing Lunar colonies and those currently under construction. In late 2056, freighters on the Earth-Luna run begin to experience sporadic raids by a group calling themselves the Kabron Pirates. Using decommissioned X-COM Avengers, refitted to operate on conventional fuel instead of Elerium, the pirates concentrate primarily on shipments of precious metals such as gold and platinum. Because of their precision in striking only the most valuable shipments and the fact that none of the plundered materials ever seems to surface on the block market, X-COM and other authorities believe that the Kabron pirates are working for one of Earth's major corporations. In February, 2057, Harvey Wayne is elected Premier-President of the North American Alliance. He goes on to serve three consecutive two-hear terms. In March, 2057, the first of Transtellar's military vessels, the UGS Patton, is commissioned at Tranquility Base. The vessel is purchased by the X-COM Corporation and immediately placed on patrol duty on the Earth-Luna shipping run to defend shipments against pirate attacks. By 2059, there are eight Patton-class ships on patrol, and pirate activity has been greatly reduced. 2060-2061 By mid-2060, the Tranquility Fleet has established three large mining colonies in the asteroid belt. The asteroids are rich in raw materials and will prove to be an excellent source of resources. Unfortunately, the long travel time to and from the belt-10 months, even for freighters equipped with Transtellar's new Mark III Conversion Drive-limits the immediate usefulness of the new mines. Meanwhile, unmanned probes have been sent to Mars to scan for possible mineral sources. Despite extensive examination of the alien base at Cydonia and the area immediately surrounding it, much of the planet remains unscanned. In October, 2061, after several weeks of transmissions, the Mars probes show an indication of what could be a huge stockpile of Elerium-115 several thousand kilometers from Cydonia. Plans are immediately set in motion to send a manned expedition to Mars-the first since the final X-COM cleanup mission in November, 2009. 2062 The UGS Patton is pulled of pirate patrol duty for the Mars expedition. In preparation for the trip, she is stripped of most of her weaponry and refitted with sensors and other science equipment. She is manned with a crew of the best scientists and engineers available, with only a skeleton crew of her original X-COM complement remaining to pilot the vessel and handle routine shipboard tasks. She departs for mars on April 23. After a four-month journey, the Patton settles into Mars orbit and begins a detailed surface scan. The crew starts by scanning the Cydonia base, a known landmark that will allow the scientists to calibrate the Patton's new hyperwave pulse sensors to match current data. Shortly after the scans commence, sensors show activity on the surface: a tremendous power surge in the vicinity of the base. On Earth, scientists monitoring the Patton mission are puzzled when communication is abruptly lost. After three days without contact, they launch a high-speed probe from Tranquility Spaceport. Its destination: Mars orbit and the last known position of the Patton. When the probe arrives in November, there is no sign of the missing ship. The probe's scanners are turned toward the surface, and they record evidence of a massive explosion at the site of the abandoned Cydonia base. A board of inquiry is convened on Earth, and it is agreed that the Patton must have experienced drive systems failure and crashed into the surface of the planet. The case is quickly closed. Progress 2063 Most of the Earthbound corporations, and many of those with colonial interests in space as well, continue to seek a solution to Earth's problems other than depending solely on extraterrestrial support. Designers, architects, and scientists devise a bold and elaborate plan for a series of self-contained, futuristic cities. Each Megalopolis would house large sections of the population, with all the support facilities they could possibly need contained within the walls of the city. The world's governments realize the potential of the Megalopolis plan, but are hesitant to commit the money and resources necessary to build an entire series of the expensive habitats. In 2063, the New World Council agrees to fund a single Megalopolis as a test case. If the experiment is successful, funding would be made available for more cities. Within months of the Council's decision, work begins on the first Megalopolis-dubbed "Mega-Primus"-on the site of the ruins of Toronto in the North American Alliance. In February, Harvey Wayne retires as Premier-President of the NAA. He is succeeded by J. Scott Cameron, who quickly becomes one of the most popular world leaders in history. Cameron serves in the office until his assassination in 2069. 2064 Basing their judgment on nearly a year's worth of detailed scanner data obtained through remote probes, scientists at the Earth Science Corps (ESC) confirm the presence of a huge Elerium deposit on Mars. Despite the Loss of the Patton two years earlier, the promise of Elerium is too great a lure to put off another manned mission to Mars. This time, a fleet of 15 Solmine ore freighters, accompanied by three Patton-class X-COM vessels, set off on the journey. They arrive in June, encountering no problems along the way. Within days of their arrival full-scale mining operations have begun at what becomes known as Mars Mine I. With the promise of the new Elerium supply looming on the horizon, Transtellar purchases the rights to all previous research in the field of interstellar space flight. Within a matter of months, Transtellar's top scientists have designed a prototype engine that might be capable of propelling spacecraft at faster-than-light speeds. 2065 When the first shipments of Elerium-115 arrive from Mars Mine I, they are divided evenly among all the governments of the world. The North American Alliance and the Eurasian Hegemony grant 50% of their allotments to Transtellar for the testing of the new hyperspace drive. The test is a success, and Transtellar is commissioned by several world governments to build an undisclosed number of small engines. Transtellar is given top priority when it comes to Elerium availability. The success of Mars Mine I causes a gold rush of sorts. More than a dozen corporations launch their own missions to Mars. Before long, there are 15 separate colonies on the planet mostly inhabited by miners and their families. With all the problems still facing the people on Earth, the world's governments pay little or no attention to the affairs in the Martian colonies. As a result border skirmishes between corporate-run mining villages are commonplace on the red planet. An X-COM base is established at Mars Colony I in an attempt to keep the peace. In May, the ESC launches 37 trans-light science probes, bound for regions of space that are considered promising for colonization. Telemetry from several probes is lost within hours of their jump to hyperspace. Most of the others reach their destinations only to transmit the disappointing news that there is nothing of value to be found. The Frontier 2065 On October 27, the probe code-named Tombstone 1 begins transmitting telemetry from its destination coordinates a globular cluster approximately 100 light-years from Earth. The data shows dozens of star systems in the immediate vicinity, nearly all of them supporting planets. Many of the planets within the probe's limited scanning range show promise of incredible wealth in minerals and raw materials, including traces of Elerium-115. When this news is made public every large corporation in the world begins immediate construction of deep space colony ships to take advantage of the promise of wealth. Likening this potential "wagon train to the stars" to the expansion of Americans into the western territories in the 19th century, this new region of space quickly becomes known as "The Frontier." 2066 In late March, the first three corporate missions are already on their way to The Frontier, and numerous others ere in the final steges of preperation. Though they are not willing to forgo the potentiaL treasures of deep-space colonies, many corporate leaders express fears that mankind's expansion into the stars might leed to another encounter with hostile aliens, this time on their own turf. In a joint meeting of business leaders and the world governments, it is decided that a defensive force should be established on The Frontier, standing ready to deal with any threat that might arise. F. Denman Williams II, successor to the X-COM corporation's former leader, agrees to turn over limited control of X-COM to the government so that defensive bases can be established in The Frontier. Meanwhile, to avoid stretching the organization's resources too thin, Williams signs en agreement with a private security firm to take over the X-COM bases at Luna 3 and Mars Colony I. This firm, operating under the name of Marsec (short for Mars Security), quickly gains renown for its ability to keep the local peace. Also, with the support of Denman Dynamics-a manufacturing corporation also owned by Williams-Marsec becomes a major player in the manufacture and sale of weapons and spacecraft. The first corporate outposts begin operation in The Frontier in November. Fleets of Cybermove Systems' new Star Ranger freighters support the outposts and transport raw materials, personnel and equipment within outpost systems and back to Earth as needed. As all Earth-based organizations turn their attention to the stars, the Earth Science Corps officially changes its name to the Galactic Science Corps (GSC). 2067 January 1st: X-COM begins patrollinq The Frontier. The first X-COM base is established in The Frontier. X-COM Base I is manned with the best space pilots available, all with brand-new Transtellar X-1A Lightning II fighter-interceptors. The base itself, while not manned with a science team, is equipped with a sophisticated data downlink system that allows the base computers to download all the latest scientific advances from Earth and the GSC. Financial and material support for the base is provided by the corporate outposts, which act as manufact
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